Get Your Marketing and PR Programs Ready for Summer

Apr 25, 2019

Healthcare IT public relations agency Amendola Communications offers three ideas to help keep marketing and PR programs filled with energy and enthusiasm

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz., April 24, 2019 As we near the end of spring, we’re reminded that vacation season is just around the corner. But while we firmly believe busy marketers and PR professionals deserve plenty of fun in the sun, we know that a good communications strategy never takes a day off.

That’s why Amendola, a nationally recognized, award-winning healthcare and technology public relations and marketing agency, offers three suggested posts from its blog to keep your PR programs fresh, vital and effective–even during the laziest days of summer.

Take a holistic approach to your content strategy

We’ve all heard that these days content is king. But all too often organizations focus more on delivering a high volume of content rather than whether that content will actually help them achieve their business objectives. The best results come when organizations build cohesive, holistic campaigns based on well-defined strategies instead of posting individual pieces on whatever happens to capture their interest that day. Read the full post here.

Make the most of your professional PR writer

Speaking of content, once the holistic strategy is in place, it’s time to start getting the organization’s subject matter experts together with the writer who will help them turn their expertise into PR gold. While it can be difficult for these experts (especially those at the executive level) to think about adding a call with a writer to their already busy schedules, the rewards are great if those calls are approached correctly. Here are five tips to assure everyone is happy with the process and the outcome.

Follow these tips for a terrific media interview every time

After doing a few successful media interviews it can be easy for busy executives to fall into the trap of feeling like they don’t need to do much to prepare anymore. But interview opportunities are like snowflakes. Each has its own unique characteristics that can throw even the most experienced veterans off-message if they’re not ready. This blog post explains some of the basics interviewees should do every time to optimize every media conversation and to make sure that they don’t inadvertently say something they don’t want to see in a media outlet.

Amendola’s blog covers all things public relations and marketing. A go-to source for communications professionals, the blog publishes on a weekly basis and features subject matter experts in every aspect of publicizing and marketing healthcare technology companies.

Media Contact:
Marcia Rhodes, Amendola Communications /