COVID-19 Has Robbed Us of a Lot; Let’s Not Forget the Gift of Gratitude

Nov 23, 2020

COVID-19 brought a year filled with uncertainty, change and lots of hardship. The impact of the pandemic has taken its toll on many of us.

With the election behind us, Thanksgiving around the corner, and 2021 ahead, let’s be grateful for the many gifts we have, the successful marketing programs achieved and both our personal and professional COVID bright spots.

In today’s fast-paced Zoom culture, we hop from one meeting to the next. We are so busy juggling and looking ahead, that giving thanks and showing gratitude is an obvious yet often overlooked gesture.

We frequently shoot a quick thank you text or email (if that) and check it off our “to-do” list. Remember the days when we actually went to the Hallmark store, bought a card and wrote a personal note?

Some of my favorite career highlights have been receiving hand-written notes from employees and clients, who took the time to express their gratitude and mail a personal, heartfelt thank you.

Thanksgiving Day simply isn’t enough to contemplate all there is to be grateful for — especially when adding our professional blessings to the mix, like the partners, colleagues and employees who contribute to our success.

In 2021 as the pandemic will still be a part of our life and change will continue to be the only constant, let’s promise to give thanks on more than just one day. Here are some thoughts to help you incorporate ongoing gratitude:

  • Create and implement an ongoing appreciation program, which can have a tremendous impact on performance, sales and overall happiness.
  • Put aside time and budget for personal notes/direct mail, emails and blog posts giving thanks and gratitude to your internal and external clients.
  • Consider implementing an awards program, recognizing key accomplishments
  • Donate money in your clients’ or team’s honor

Whatever approach you take, remember that a personal thank you goes a long way and will be remembered with appreciation.

Special thanks to each, and every member of Amendola team, who day in and day out make all the magic happen. Your hard work and dedication do not go unnoticed. I appreciate all of you.

Happy Thanksgiving, and a special thank you for all who have helped me and supported both me and Amendola Communications along the way! I am so grateful for my team, clients, prospects, media, analysts, and of course, my family.

With heartfelt appreciation, Jodi

Jodi Amendola

Jodi is an accomplished leader with 25 years of experience developing, implementing and executing high-impact, integrated business-to-business public relations and marketing campaigns. Since 2004, she has served as CEO and co-founder of Amendola, where she has led campaigns for countless industry giants and start-up companies.