LinkedIn Growth is a Marathon, Not a Sprint: Long-Term Strategies to Elevate Your Presence (and Your Company’s!)

Oct 2, 2024

LinkedIn has evolved beyond a simple job-hunting platform—it’s now a powerful tool for building professional influence and enhancing corporate brands.

But we oftentimes can forget that building a strong presence on the platform is a marathon, not a sprint. Sure, it’s easy to want immediate results, but much like professional relationships, growing your LinkedIn influence takes time, patience, and persistence.

In my time working at Amendola, I’ve seen how an active LinkedIn presence can open doors, foster relationships, and position individuals AND their companies as industry thought leaders. When employees are engaged and visible on LinkedIn, they’re not just investing in personal growth—they’re actively driving results for the company.

As the human face behind the brand, employees can foster more meaningful interactions than brand channels alone. Research supports this, showing that content shared by employees has far more reach, receives more engagement, and generates more leads than content posted by the company itself:

  • 81% of B2B buyers consider LinkedIn a significant source of research before making a purchase decision (Fronetics).
  • Employees on average have 10 times more connections than their company’s LinkedIn followers (LinkedIn), giving their posts greater potential for expanding visibility.
  • 91% of B2B sales are influenced by word of mouth (Demandbase), underscoring the power of employee advocacy in generating authentic and impactful engagement.

Looking to help your employees not only build their personal brand, but also contribute directly to the company’s overall success? Here are a few strategies we recommend to our clients that have proven long-term impact.

Optimize Your Profile

Your LinkedIn profile is your personal brand’s landing page. Ensure it’s fully filled out with a professional headshot, a concise yet compelling headline, and a detailed experience section. A polished profile elevates both your credibility and your company’s reputation. Here are some other elements to consider:

  • Add a header image that aligns with your professional brand
  • Include keywords in your headline and/or summary
  • Avoid using overused buzzwords/phrases
  • Personalize your URL, shorten it and add to your email signature
  • Be somewhat selective when choosing skills and endorsements
  • Provide details about education, qualifications, volunteer experience and accomplishments, but avoid bragging.

 Share Valuable Content

What you post on LinkedIn should provide value to your network. Share insightful articles, industry news, and your perspective on current trends. When you do this, you position yourself—and by extension, your company—as a thought leader.

Consistently sharing valuable content helps attract potential clients and partners. I recommend following the 80/20 rule: 80% of your posts should deliver value—sharing industry news, thought leadership, and relevant insights—while only 20% should promote you or your company’s offerings.

Remember: LinkedIn is a space where professionals come to learn, engage, and connect—not just to be sold to. My colleague Brandon Glenn explains the 80/20 rule in more detail here.

When posting an update to LinkedIn, keep these optimization strategies in mind:

  • Post frequently (at least one time per week – five is optimal), focusing on quality over quantity
  • Two posts that offer followers valuable insights are better than five posts that promote products
  • Offer informative, insightful, inspirational content; users are looking for information and education
  • Optimize posts by including an attractive image, graphic, or video; ensure text is legible
  • Include a stat, quote, or interesting line at the beginning of the post from the article rather than the title to make your post stand out
  • Ask questions to encourage conversation.

Engage, Comment, and Share

It’s not enough to post and log off. Engagement is key. Comment on industry discussions, share others’ posts, and add your perspective. By actively participating in conversations, you’re not only building relationships but also increasing your company’s visibility.

Stay Active and Be Consistent

LinkedIn’s algorithm rewards consistency. Make it a habit to engage with the platform regularly, whether by posting, liking, or commenting. A consistent presence keeps you top of mind within your network, and the more visibility you gain, the more likely it is that people will associate your company with thought leadership.

Invite and Follow New Accounts

Expanding your network is crucial. Don’t limit yourself to people you already know—reach out to professionals in your industry, potential clients, and partners. Joining relevant groups and becoming an active participant in discussions can also help you gain recognition and authority. A growing network is mutually beneficial, exposing you and your company to new opportunities and increasing your company’s influence in the industry.

Be Patient

Building a strong presence takes time. You won’t see overnight success, so stay patient. As your network grows and your engagement increases, so will your influence—and by extension, your company’s credibility.

When employees are active on LinkedIn, it creates a ripple effect. Every post, comment, or share contributes to your company’s overall brand presence. In B2B, trust and relationships are everything. The more employees position themselves as experts, the more the company is seen as a leader in its field.

Remember: LinkedIn growth is a marathon, not a sprint. Building influence and trust takes time. Every thoughtful interaction you make adds up over the long run – and sets you up for long-term rewards for you and your company.


Maddie Noteboom

Maddie is a four-year Amendola team member who leverages digital metrics, organic social media strategy, and graphic design for Amendola’s client base. Maddie excels in developing and implementing data-driven strategies across the media landscape that drive engagement and foster brand loyalty. She is skilled in providing clients with a deep understanding of their share of voice against their competitors and is equipped with strategies to increase awareness through targeted campaigns and engaging content. Her approach to visual storytelling and social media management has consistently delivered outstanding results for clients across healthcare, health tech, and pharma. Passionate about staying ahead of healthcare and digital trends, Maddie continues to leverage her skills to help businesses grow and thrive across the fast-paced media landscape. Prior to joining Amendola, she worked at a boutique communications agency in Austin, Texas where she first discovered her passion working in PR. She gained insights into brand management, B2C marketing, event planning for lifestyle brands, and other aspects of PR. While in college, Maddie combined her passion for dance and strategic communications to execute a successful strategic social media, marketing and communications plan for an Austin dance studio. By leveraging her skills, she helped the studio grow its brand awareness regionally and expand the business. Maddie holds a Bachelor of Science in advertising and a minor in business from The University of Texas at Austin. Every morning before work, you can find Maddie either on her Peloton bike or taking a long walk. Based in Texas, she enjoys listening to live music, cheering on the Texas Longhorns, and more recently, learning how to grill.