4 Questions to Ask Before You Hire a PR Agency

Oct 16, 2019

There are many great reasons companies hire a PR agency.

Start-ups often do it to create a “larger than life” image in the marketplace. Having your executives interviewed by top industry trade media, or having your thought leadership published in top publications, helps build brand awareness and elevates the perception of the company’s position in the industry – an important factor when selling against larger, more established competitors. There’s nothing like having an industry analyst tell a small client they thought the client was much larger based on all the publicity they’ve received.

More established organizations may hire a PR agency to help change a negative perception into a positive one. They may do it to help generate sales leads or provide “air cover” for salespeople when they meet with a prospect – especially when the product has a long sales cycle. They may do it to position themselves for an acquisition, because a great PR campaign can help bring them to the attention of larger organizations looking for good companies to purchase.

Yes, there are lots of good reasons to hire a PR agency. But what’s important to understand is that there’s more to it than simply signing a contract and telling the PR agency to go do their thing.

It’s also going to take effort and commitment on the part of the client and its executives.

That’s why I recently wrote a blog post for the Forbes Agency Council titled, “Four Questions to Ask Before You Hire a PR Agency.” It looks at both the strategic and tactical areas organizations should consider before they contract with a PR agency if they want the relationship to be a success. Here’s a quick excerpt from the first question:

“Every business has the same goal: growth. The challenge, of course, is identifying how to get there. That’s why, before engaging with a PR firm, it’s helpful to develop specific goals that you’re looking to accomplish. Maybe it’s acquiring more clients in a new market vertical, establishing your CEO as a thought leader, or polishing up your company’s messaging. Regardless, a PR firm can’t help you reach your objectives if you haven’t first defined them. “

Other areas covered include the corporate culture, the need for a dedicated account liaison and the fact that unlike advertising or self-publishing, where you have total control over when, where and how your story appears, you have to be willing to accept that everything won’t always be to your liking in PR.

If you’re thinking about hiring a PR agency give this article a read. It can help ensure you’re really ready for a PR program – and that you make a good choice.

Or you can just contact me here at Amendola Communications. We’ll help walk you through the process and ensure your program achieves its goals.

Jodi Amendola

Jodi is an accomplished leader with 25 years of experience developing, implementing and executing high-impact, integrated business-to-business public relations and marketing campaigns. Since 2004, she has served as CEO and co-founder of Amendola, where she has led campaigns for countless industry giants and start-up companies.